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(April 2024)


Bromsgrove & Redditch Partnership Wellbeing Bulletin
For links and further information, please contact:

Bromsgrove Partnership & Redditch Partnership


Please find the April Partnership bulletin below that includes NEW local information the extension of the Household Support Fund, as well as all the latest news and updates. 


Household Support Fund (HSF) Phase 5 - NEW Information


**NOW OPEN for New Applications**

Act on Energy – Worcestershire Household Support Fund 


This scheme has been reopened and offers qualifying residents across the county of Worcestershire support with their energy costs, fuel debt and where required, assistance to replace broken boilers and heating systems, subject to funding.  Eligibility criteria for support is not restricted to solely vulnerable households in receipt of benefits, but criteria will be applied for the different elements of support on offer. Residents can apply online or by calling 0800 988 2881. Further information can be found here: Act on Energy website.


A reminder that Act on Energy also offer a FREE Energy Advice Service for Bromsgrove and Redditch residents. Anyone living in the Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough can contact our local Energy Advice Service, Act on Energy, to speak to expert advisors about their energy bills and minimising their home’s energy consumption while keeping warm and safe. Freephone advice line 0800 988 2881 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri) or email


**NOW OPEN for New Applications**  

Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch – help with food and other essentials


If you are working with any resident that is struggling and need support with food and other household essentials, they can apply to our local Household Support Fund – Citizens Advice Bromsgrove & Redditch ( Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch is working closely with Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Councils to deliver this support which offers post office vouchers for eligible households.

Bromsgrove residents can apply here: Bromsgrove Household Support Fund and Redditch residents can apply here: Redditch Household Support Fund


ALSO…Worcestershire Advice Network – £75 Cash voucher for eligible pensioners, disabled and carers **Available to Bromsgrove and Redditch residents**


Worcestershire Advice Network (made up of local Age UKs, Citizens Advice and Disability Information Advice Line) are offering a £75 cash voucher to eligible pensioners NOT in receipt of Pension Credit, people with disabilities or a long term health condition of any age, and carers of any age.  Some may be eligible for more than one voucher.  There are just 6 simple questions to find out if they are eligible.  To access the fund, please direct people to call Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills office (who are delivering this countywide scheme) by calling 01905 724294 or 01684 560666.  Further information can be found at: Worcestershire Advice Network | Advice services working in Partnership  


Cost of living webpages – so our residents know where to turn for support

Don’t Forget….There are cost of living webpages on both Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District Councils’ websites at: and  See something missing on the webpages?  Let us know as they can be updated anytime.




Services / Support – Information Updates


Bromsgrove Adult Social Prescribing Service – Why not invite a social prescriber to your team meetings to explain more…

Bromsgrove District Council is contracted by Bromsgrove Primary Care Network (PCN) to provide the adult Bromsgrove Social Prescribing Service which offers low level, light touch support for patients struggling with non-medical issues that are impacting their physical and mental wellbeing. 

The team consists of 3 Social Prescribing Link Workers who can support anyone aged 18yrs+ and registered at one the following GP surgeries: New Road Rubery Surgery, New Road Bromsgrove Surgery, St Johns Surgery, Churchfields Surgery, Davenal House Surgery, Catshill Village Surgery, Barnt Green Surgery, The Glebeland Surgery and Cornhill Surgery.  In addition to GP referrals, partner agencies can refer and self-referrals are accepted too. Self-referral route: Via telephone: 0300 303 5291 Mon – Fri 9-5pm (This number is for self-referrals only, not for professionals) or email: Partners referral route: Partners must gain consent to refer and complete the referral form attached with as much information as possible and email to

Flyer and referral form are attached.  Have questions? If you would like a member of the Social Prescribing Team to attend your team meeting to explain more, simply email


(Note: The Redditch Social Prescribing Service (which includes 2 Wythall GP Surgeries) is delivered by Worcestershire Association of Carers. For details go to: Redditch Social Prescribing Service | WAC)  


ONSIDE - YourSpace Mental Health Hub - opening in Redditch today! 

Funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, Onside is opening a YourSpace Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub for Children and Young People aged 11-25 in Redditch today.  The Hub will provide a single point of access to early support to help children and young people cope better with their mental health and wellbeing and prevent escalation to more serious mental health difficulties. No appointment or referral* required to either the one to one orgroup support. (*No referral is required for anyone over 16 years. Those under 16 will need a parental/professional referral with parental consent).

The YourSpace Hub in Redditch is being held at The Old Needleworks on Mondays from 12noon to 7pm starting on 29th April. Further information can be found on the attached briefing note and flyers and for any further details, please contact Viv McLaughlin, Head of Children and Families at


Home Upgrade Grant Scheme (HUGs)

HUG is designed to tackle colder homes that do not have mains gas central heating to provide free home improvements to low income residents.  Homeowners and tenants could benefit and funding is also available for landlords in the charity and private rented sector. The County Council is working in partnership with Act on Energy, along with the Districts Councils to deliver this programme. If you think you might qualify or know of anyone that might benefit please signpost them to this scheme.  Further information, including how to register an interest, can be found at: Home Upgrade Grant Scheme (HUG2) | Worcestershire County Council OR contact Act on Energy on 0800 988 2881.  Please help promote – flyer attached.


Living Well for Longer – *New Resources*

The Living Well for Longer team within Public Health are in the process of producing new resources to promote Ageing Well, Strength and Balance and Flexibility. Please find attached their new ‘Ageing Well and Physical Activity’ leaflet that emphasises the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines for physical activity. Please help to share and promote. Further info can be found at: Ageing well | Worcestershire County Council.

For further enquiries or to request paper copies of the attached flyer, please contact the Living Well team at:  


Are you aware of the importance of reconditioning in preventing frailty?  Some of you will have seen a presentation from Dr Daphne Austin before she left Public Health at the end of March this year which explained this but for those who haven’t and would like to know more, links to various sources are attached for you.


VCSE Alliance - Forum Meeting

Are you part of a Voluntary organisation, Community group or Social Enterprise in Worcestershire? Are you helping residents in Worcestershire to be happier and healthier?  Would you welcome the opportunity to share anecdotal information about the people you work with and talk about how together we can improve services? If so, you are invited to be part of the first Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Forum meeting that is being held on 22nd May at 10am to 12noon at Lyppard Hub, Worcester, WR4 0DZ. For further information and to book a place visit: VCSE Alliance Forum Meeting – 22nd May 24 . Registration is essential and closes on Monday 20th May at 12 noon. 


Memory Changes Café at Bromsgrove Methodist Church and Centre*New Group*

A new group has been set up to support individuals and their carers who are living with Dementia. The Memory Changes Cafe opened on Friday 19th April and will be open on the third Friday of every month from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. Visitors can expect a warm welcome, refreshment and activities, all taking place at the Methodist Centre, Stratford Road, Bromsgrove.


CORE Project – Worcester Community Trust

Please find attached a flyer providing details of CORE, a network for men and male identifying individuals, providing information, advice and guidance to enable connection with others likeminded.  It provides information about support bases, wellbeing services, and opportunities to connect with others and learn new skills, and enhance their wellbeing and confidence. This service is operating in Bromsgrove and Redditch. To speak to the CORE Team please call 07442 337408 or email


Redditch Nightstop - Request for Help...

Emergency accommodation service Nightstop urgently need volunteers living in and around Redditch so they can continue to be there for young people who are at risk of sleeping rough. The team are reaching out to local community to see if anyone would be interested in offering their spare room to host young people at risk of homelessness, whilst Redditch Nightstop work to find permanent for the young person.  Redditch Nightstop support hosts and guests every step of the way.  If you would like to know more, please get in touch with the team at Further information can be found attached and details of a recent press can be found here: Urgent call from Redditch Nightstop to help young people at risk of homelessness - The Redditch Standard.


Dodford Children's Farm – Free Holidays

Dodford Children’s Farm are offering free holidays to families in need during school holidays. The holidays are available Monday to Friday for families with children 9 years old and under.  Families need to be referred by anyone who works with them (teacher, doctor, health visitor, social worker etc).  All food and drink provided. The referral form and further information is available here.


Move to UC (Universal Credit) – DWP Guide for Partners

The Department for Work and Pensions have created an information pack has been designed to aid organisations supporting households which are required to move to Universal Credit (UC) from legacy benefits, as part of Managed Migration, also called ‘Move to UC’.  Please note that the guide is aimed at stakeholders and not suitable for sharing with customers.  However, customers can be directed to for further information: Move to Universal Credit - Move to Universal Credit (


Training / Courses / Workshops


New Dates Added!

Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch – Community Advice First Aider Training

*FREE* (not to be confused with emergency first aid!) 

Citizens Advice Bromsgrove and Redditch are currently providing free training to upskill community members, frontline volunteers and staff in other local organisations / businesses who are Bromsgrove based to become Community Advice First Aiders.   Anyone who comes into contact with people and would like to be able to help signpost Bromsgrove residents at an early stage would be ideal for this – from the local hairdresser to a community volunteer, a local Councillor to frontline staff – this could be for you!  The 3-hour training course will give the guidance people require to deliver initial help and information (not financial advice) to the public, including how to signpost and refer clients to the Citizens Advice Service if required. All those who attend training will receive a certificate.  All spaces during May are taken but there are currently spaces available on the following, 10.15am-1.15pm: 

  • Friday 21st June and Friday 28th June

  • Friday 5th July, Friday 12th July and Friday 26th July  (An alternative day in the week can be offered for a group of 4 or more if requested).

If you, a team member or any of your volunteers would like to take advantage of this FREE training opportunity to help others, or if you have any queries about the training, please get in touch at  A flyer is also attached – please share.  (Please note – due to how this is funding, it’s only open to Bromsgrove District at this time)


*FREE*On-line Attachment and Trauma Training for Sports Coaches and Facilitators

Please see the attached flyer offering FREE on-line Attachment and Trauma Training. This training is aimed at club coaches/facilitators/sports leaders/organisations, that provide activities to groups of looked after young people. The on-line training will take place on Wednesday 1st May 4.30pm-6.30pm.  To book a place, please visit Meeting Registration - Zoom.


Events / Roadshows

Chandler Court Care Home in Bromsgrove – FREE Dementia Event

Please find attached details of a free event on Adjusting to a Diagnosis of Dementia that is being held on Tuesday 21st May 2024 2pm – 4pm at Chandler Court. Dementia specialist Barbara Stephens, Co‑Founder and CEO of Dementia Pathfinders, will share insights into how a journey with dementia might unfold following a diagnosis and offers advice on how to live positively with dementia, while making emotional and practical adjustments along the way. The event is open to all, but places need to be booked in advance by contacting Rebecca Pearce at or call 01527 958418. 

For more information about other free events that take place at Chandler Court which are open to all, please visit Chandler Court Care Home | Bromsgrove, Worcestershire | Care UK

Don’t forget! Chandler Court is happy to offer a Room free of charge to any local groups or services would like to hold an event or activity there, contact Rebecca Pearce who is happy to help.


Job Centre Event – Redditch Jobs Fair

Redditch Job Centre is holding a Jobs Fair on Saturday 22nd June 11am - 2pm in the Kingfisher Centre (Walford Walk, the unit previously occupied by Trespass – opposite Next) and partners are invited to join in with this event. Whilst the main focus of the Jobs Fair is on employers and their vacancies, any partners whose services are a stepping-stone for customers in their journey back to work are also very welcome to attend. Please can partners help raise awareness of this Jobs Fair and signpost anyone they are supporting/working with who may benefit from attending the event. For further details or to book a space on the day, please contact John Chambers (JOHN.CHAMBERS1@DWP.GOV.UK) or Ellie Street (ELLIE.STREET@DWP.GOV.UK).




Summer Holiday Activities & Food (HAF) Funding – Short Deadline!

Applications can now be submitted for HAF Summer 24 Funding. If you intend to apply for funding for Bromsgrove or Redditch, please notify Gomez Vincent at by Tuesday 30th April as he will make the HAF Worcestershire team aware to expect your application and support you through the process.  Applications need to be submitted individually by Friday 3rd May 24.

To submit an application, go to: Worcestershire HAF Summer 2024 Application - Formstack.Further information can be found in the attached Worcestershire Provider Specification and any ‘Food Businesses’ applying for funding can find additional details here:  Holiday activities and food programme 2024 - GOV.UK.  Have questions? Contact Gomez on the email above or call: 01527 881356 / 07809 586301.


Disability Football Projects Funding

Please find attached details of up to £15,000 of funding for disability football projects in Worcestershire. As part of the ‘Journey to Inclusion Fund’, distributed by The Football Association and Sport England, organisations can now apply for funding to deliver disability football provision. Worcestershire FA will need to support the submission of any application and therefore ask that if you are interested in applying for funding, you make contact as soon as possible (and by 9:00am on Wednesday 1st May 2024 at the latest). Please note: The application process requires a consultation group to be organised and a detailed project application to be submitted by Monday 10th June 2024. For further information and contact details, visit Homepage - Worcestershire FA


Stay Connected Community Grant **Bromsgrove and Redditch Applications Welcomed!**

A quick reminder……As part of the new Healthy Worcestershire Programme, the Stay Connected Community Grant offers a new £50,000 funding package to empower local organisations to help tackle loneliness and social isolation. The Stay Connected Community Grant will be used to help strengthen Worcestershire’s voluntary and community organisations which bring people of all ages together and help them establish connections, prevent loneliness, strengthen our communities, and improve people’s lives. The grant invites community-based organisations across Worcestershire to apply for pots from £250 up to £2,500 to support activities in the local community. To apply, organisations need to complete an online application form. All applications will be considered, and funding will be allocated using the criteria. For full details and further information, visit The Stay Connected Community Grant.  Please share so we can make sure Bromsgrove and Redditch benefit from this countywide funding!


Applications for Women and Girls Match Fund now open!

Big Give have announced that the Women and Girls Match Fund 2024 applications are now open. Through their Women and Girls Match Fund, they’re committed to working with exceptional charities, dedicated to serving the women and girls in local communities, fostering a future where every individual can thrive without limitations. For full details of the campaign and how to sign up, please visit the Women and Girls Match Fund page. Applications close at 5pm 22nd June 24.  


Surveys / Consultations


YMCA Worcestershire - Youth and Community Fair – Would you like to showcase your service?

The Youth Engagement Team at YMCA Worcestershire is in the process of applying for funding for a large-scale Youth and Community Fair. The idea is to run a fun and engaging event for young people and families where youth providers and organisations, alongside YMCA Worcestershire, showcase and promote what they offer to young people and the local communities we support. The YMCA team would appreciate your support in completing this Google Form so that they can provide the evidence needed and see who would like to join the proposed event. (Please note, they are in the early stages of planning and will be in touch with those interested in being involved once things have progressed further). Have questions? Email Michael Hall, Youth & Communities Manager at

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